Study in UK

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    As the dominant industrial and maritime power of the 19th century, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland played a leading role in developing parliamentary democracy and in advancing literature and science. At its zenith, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth’s surface. The first half of the 20th century saw the UK’s strength seriously depleted in two World Wars and the Irish republic withdraw from the union. The second half witnessed the dismantling of the Empire and the UK rebuilding itself into a modern and prosperous European nation. As one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, a founding member of NATO, and of the Commonwealth, the UK pursues a global approach to foreign policy; it currently is weighing the degree of its integration with continental Europe. A member of the EU, it chose to remain outside the Economic and Monetary Union for the time being. Constitutional reform is also a significant issue in the UK. The Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales, and the Northern Ireland Assembly were established in 1999, but the latter was suspended until May 2007 due to wrangling over the peace process.

    Education System

    To study in the UK, international students whose English is not their first language must provide evidence of English language proficiency. Most universities in the UK prefer the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) certificate. IELTS 6.0+ is the usual level required for undergraduate study and IELTS 6.5+ for postgraduate.

    In addition to proving English proficiency, international students must also check that their qualifications meet the school’s entry requirements, and UK NARIC provides information and advice on international qualifications. International Foundation Certificate courses are available for students that have not met the required qualifications

    Why UK

    Recognized and respected qualifications
    Improves your English
    Learn outside the classroom
    Value for Money
    Improve your job prospects
    It’s a multicultural experience
    Time Effective
    Good Travel Experiences

    Scholarships in UK

    Students in UK will be offered scholarships from the respective universities as deduction in their tuition fee. Other than this, students will be awarded other forms of aid/scholarships based on their academic excellence and background. These scholarship programs and other funding will be managed by the British Council and other associated organizations.

    Apart from University support, there are also relatively some public and private scholarships programs, which intend to provide financial support for international students.

    Work After Studies

    Because of recent changes in work regulations, international students in the UK can now work up to twenty hours a week when studying and full time during vacations.

    From September 2008, International students can stay back and work for TWO YEARS, after completion of their postgraduate degree.

    In Scotland also, one may stay back for TWO YEARS, after completion of their program.

    Effective 29th June 2008, the following schemes have been stopped by the British Government.

    1. Highly Skilled Migrant Program (HSMP)
    2. International Graduate Scheme (IGS)
    3. Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland

    From 30th June 2008, all international students have to apply for work permits based on the new points system being introduced in 2008-2009. Students who complete their studies come under the ‘Post-Study Worker category.

    The students who are already in any of the above canceled categories, will fall either under ‘Highly Skilled Worker – Tier 1 (General) or ‘Tier 1 Post-study Work’

    Job Market

    In general, UK’s job market is good . There are good opportunities for the new graduates, which are expected to rise by 16.4% in 2008 (As per Association of Graduate Recruiters). 41% of recruitment was in London, 10.3% were in South east. Finance, law, consulting and related activities are the popular graduate employment sectors in the capital, whereas health and social work are leading in other regions of UK. Many UK employers are looking for certain skills in, Management, Support services, Designing, Analysis, Finance etc. Therefore students looking for education in these fields can expect good career opportunities in UK. Very recently, there have been a few changes in the points-based system for migration to UK. For full details, see: Permanent Residency.


    • Full name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    • Population: 60.7 million (UN, 2007)
    • Capital: London
    • Area: 242,514 sq km (93,638 sq miles)
    • Major language: English
    • Major religion: Christianity
    • Life expectancy: 77 years (men), 82 years (women) (UN)
    • Monetary unit: 1 pound sterling = 100 pence
    • Main exports: Manufactured goods, chemicals, foodstuffs
    • GNI per capita: US $37,600 (World Bank, 2006)
    • Internet domain: .uk
    • International dialing code: +44

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